Results from Jmmc/Software web retrieved at 08:22 (GMT)

AMBER Introduction (Astronomical Multi BEam combineR) est un instrument focal interf...
Analyse et Mod...
Data Analysis Software Systems XV October 2 5, 2005 San Lorenzo de El Escorial, SpainPresents: GuillaumeMella et GillesDuvert Le site d`adassXV devrait s`enrichir...
Here comes the release notes of amber data reduction software V3.0.8 (21 July 2014) VISAMP (amplitude of the differential visibility) is now correctly computed...
This topic aims to collect each changes commited in the beta version in provision of the future release. It mainly concerns the `core` of amdlib , i.e., the C code...
Activites JMMC Nouvellement disponible Declinaison du logiciel de fit de mod...
AppLauncher is a dock that can launch many SAMP compatible applications on demand or automatically on SAMP request. Home page :
Logistique Questions ouvertes Logistique Des objets publiciatires doivent ils ...
OLBIN publication databases Notes r...
Date: 27 avril 2015 Les d...
Date: 27 mai 2015 Les d...
Versions des logiciels Java Ci dessous le tableau des versions mis a jour automatiquement ...
Welcome on the JMMC developper Corner This area is dedicated to: point to the technical ressources that are used by the JMMC technical team. list our tips...
Objectifs de Martin pendant les semaines de vacances Result set Afficher en bas le result set sous forme de tableau par exemple Tick Target timestamp reconstruction...
ExistDB is a web application framework on top of an XML native database. This framework is used by JMMC for small testbed, small service wrapper and main project brixk...
Exist db is the No SQL that perfectly store and manipulate xml data in a efficient and powerfull way. We use this tool at JMMC to build some applications on top of...
Informatique Liens utiles Pour rajouter une entr...
Message de Marc Wenger septembre 2004 Un collegue ...
JeanPhilippeBerger 29 Apr 2009
Instructions to generate fits: Typical header with required keywords/values: SIMPLE T / BITPIX 32 /IEEE...
This page has been moved onto the github wiki of JMCS.
This topic given documentation elements for fr.jmmc.mcs.util package ObservableDelegate This object can be used by one class that must extend one mother class and...
Packadges util contient tout ce qui n`est pas classable ailleurs: CDSSearch: se charge d`aller recherch...
Objectif Mise en place d`une base de donn...
vis a vis de la declaration a la Cnil, le projet semble beneficiaire de la de d...
Administration de la Base La consultation de la base est libre. Modification de la base Seul les utilisateurs enregistr...
Sujet Mise en place d`une base de donn...
A faire avant d...
Catalogue SearchCal pour le CDS Cette page sert de support au travail en cours concernant la g...
Update the JSDC in 2020 (v2020 ?) This page gathers notes on the overall process to obtain the updated JSDC catalog (v2020) based on Simbad SPTYPE VJHK mags (tycho...
Analyse des versions beta pour le JSDC V2 En cours Etude statistique du catalogue pour d...
Some notes on the JSDC V2 released to ESO on april 2014 V2014 04 23 Files and additional stuff: fits file with limited columns and associated records with...
Analyse de la Version de 29 janvier 2010 du Catalogue CDS Etude statistique du catalogue pour d...
Analyse de la Version du 19 juillet 2011 du Catalogue CDS En cours Etude statistique du catalogue pour d...
Afin d`eviter de mettre en ligne trop de binaires dans le catalogues, nous avons manuellement elimin...
Analyse de la Version du 12 mars 2010 du Catalogue CDS Etude statistique du catalogue pour d...
Analyse de la Version du 17 mai 2010 du Catalogue CDS Etude statistique du catalogue pour d...
Analyse de la Version du 13 septembre 2011 du Catalogue CDS En cours Etude statistique du catalogue pour d...
II/300 JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalogue JSDC (Lafrasse , 2010 2012) An all sky...
Compte Rendu de la Visite de DanielBonneau au LAOG pour Valider le Catalogue CDS (du 12 au 14 janvier 2010) Etude statistique du catalogue pour d...
Catalogue SearchCal pour l`ESO Cette page sert de support au travail en cours concernant la g...
Analyse du retour de Klara Shabun sur la version Apr2011WithMagN 2.fits.gz From: Klara Shabun Date: 31 mai 2011 14:08:54 HAEC To: jmmc eso tech #64;ujf
Catalogue de Calibrateur ESO pour la p...
Catalogue de Calibrateur ESO pour la p...
JMMC/ESO Calibrator Workgroup Feb. 16 2011 / 14h 16h Participants Group Members Attending Pascal BALESTER Christian HUMMEL Isabelle PERCHERON...
Lundi 28 mai 2018 Evolution: SearchCal, GetCal JSDC V2 Participants: A. Chelli, G. Duvert, P. Kervella, P. Cruzalebes, D. Mourard, L. Bourges, G. Mella G. Duvert...
ASPRO publique principale sur le site web Manuel Utilisateur Espace de Kickoff de la nouvelle version d`Aspro Chantiers en cours G...
This page gathers TODO, discussed development tasks or enhancements with their statuses (pending, done or postponed) : Supporter interferometer and instruments :...
AMBER Data Reduction Software Introduction Le but de cette activit...
AMBER Data Reduction Software reunion du 13 fevrier 2007 Presents Florentin Millour (au bout du telephone) Fabien Malbet Sylvain Guieu Gerard...
de la liste de diffusion jmmc sw data reduction Consulter l`archive des actions amberdrs Actions en cours Actions ferm...
This topic content has been moved and splitted into JmmcAmberDrsReleaseNotes.
AMBER Data Reduction Software Liste des actions closes EOF Creer la page Web et mettre en ligne pour le telechargement du logiciel AMBER DRS J`ai rajoute une partie...
Ce topic recense les infos utiles aux d...
AMBER Data Reduction V3 Liens utiles Release notes: release notes notamment pour amdlib v3.x (avec documentation des commandes amdlib) M...
AMBER Data Reduction V3 M... ASPRO 2 User Manual Moved to github at: OpenDev/aspro doc/blob/main/aspro
.natBreadCrumbs { display:none } div.natBodyContents { text align: justify; } div.centered { text align: center; margin top: 15px; margin bottom: 15px; } img...
JMMC Architecture technique du logiciel ASPRO 2 Introduction Cette page rassemble les diagrammes UML de description de l`architecture interne du logiciel Aspro...
GillesDuvert 13 May 2010 ASPRO now in version 64 bits on the server. Due to a bug in the old version of the G95 compiler used on, aspro is compiled in...
Description This topic is dedicated to the ASPRO data model describing both the interferometer (stations, instruments, configuration) and an observation using an interferometer...
How to Install Aspro Prerequisite: 1 you need an account on our cvs server to retrieve the aspro sources 1 all the prerequisites for installation...
GillesDuvert 31 Mar 2005 Fixed handling of unexpected aspro and/or other process exit during as session. (Aspro for example autologouts after 1 hour idle). Now...
JMMC Logiciel ASPRO 2 Note : La version publique officielle est utilis...
Conventions All angles or coordinates are stored internally in radians All angles or coordinates mostly are presented to the user in degrees (sexagesimal...
Aspro Plots Source Observability observability.svg Data to plot: Twilight zones ( Time1,LuminosityLevel1 tuples ) (Do we need the detail of Nautical, Civil and...
This topic is dedicated to the modelisation of the targets in the future ASPRO. Note : this is related to the ModelFitting (LITpro) software for both LITpro gui and...
Cette page regroupe les informations pour le d...
BadCal Service de Recensement de Mauvais Calibrateurs Lien vers la base de donn...
Le Jmmc heberge depuis debut 2010 la base de donnees de publication d`Olbin. Un stage a permis de lancer le projet en redigeant un petit cahier des charges A completer...
Cette page a été deplacée
La nouvelle infrastructure du JMMC La nouvelle infrastructure est bas...
configuration la configuration se fait dans /group vars/ nom de la plateforme selon la forme : applications: ASPRO2: releases: prod: version...
Infrastructure de gestion des documents. l`infrastructure est en deux parties : le datastore le datastore est la r...
JMDC wiki area TODO add links here See JmmcJMDCUserManual
Get printer friendly version of the JMDC User Manual JMDC JMDC User Manual Date: July 18th 2019 Authors: Raphael JACQUOT Laurent...
Cette page de travail regroupe les elements mis en oeuvre pendant le stage de BriceColucci (avril juin 2008). Suite ...
MCS Frequently Asked Questions Makefile How do I set Makefile to compile C or C program? Compilation Compilation fails after I removed my INTROOT Doxygen...
How to name a tag Tag is like a marker allowing to identify in a unique way a set of elements (files, modules) and used to retrieve this set of coherent elements,...
How can I make doxygen ignore some code fragment? The new and easiest way is to add one comment block with a @cond command at the start and one comment block with...
How do I delete a PR ? To delete a PR, use the delete pr option of pr edit. The usage for pr edit is: pr edit l username lock username u...
The HELP command does not return the description I wrote into the cdf file During callback registration, the associated cdf filename must be given to make HELP command...
Compilation fails after I removed my INTROOT directory After consequent changes concerning your INTROOT, it is better to clean( make clean) your module before compiling...
How do I set Makefile to compile C or C program? A executable (i.e. program) is obtained linking one or more C or C files and/or library files. An executable is...
MCS Installation instructions Introduction Scope This page gives instructions for installation of MCS environment. Prerequisites What Version Where...
Bienvenue sur cette page d...
Cette page liste les minutes ...
Les donnees suivantes sont partagees et en ligne actuellement sur le serveur d`application du JMMC. Chaque fichier fits partage dispose sur cette page d`une section...
Page en cours de creation GuillaumeMella 01 Mar 2010 Iper : Fitter par un disque uniforme vos oifits: Que fait Iper: 1 recupere le fichier oifits fournit...
Les tableaux suivant listent les diff...
Introduction JP Gros est en stage L3 Math Info pour 10 semaines dans l`...
Object Merging of OIFits files OIFits format This format carry observation data. Two parts types are present in it: observation data and referential. Referential...
Observation Portal (Share and track observations) This page gathers initial ideas inputs related to improve observers deal with their programs (many targets / OB...
JMMC/ObsPortal: Software architecture Questions Several points must be discussed in order to define an architecture. Vollt library (CDS) provides a TAP reference...
JMMC/ObsPortal: Data analysis Astroquery It seems that there...
Purpose The OI FITS (Optical Interferometry Flexible Image Transport System) format is commonly used to store data provided by optical interferometers. This software...
Espace de travail sur Oival Oival est un outil de v...
This page gathers the enhancements and current limitations on the JMMC OITools library focused on the OIFITS data handling. Its main features are: read / write...
OITools Changelog 29/01/2018 14/02/2018, sprint 15 GitHub Creation of project developpement Create a lot of issues to resume TODO Validation...
OITools Documentation Data Model class diagram (general structure) Data Model is an abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they...
OITools Roadmap Updated: 08/02/2018 In progress: Project documentation OIFitsValidator enhancements Severity profil Filter Message...
Context OIFITS validator service: Supports OIFITS standard 1 2 OIFITS V2 data model rules: sw/oiTools...
Ce topic recense l`activit...
JMMC Mariotti Common Software Introduction MCS est l`environnement utilis...
Model fitting Image reconstruction The aim of the `Model fitting Image reconstruction...
Sprint 1 slot roadmap 2018 Sept/Oct MFIR Suivi en version Wiki en attendant un prochaine version par board (github?) Actions retenues Ergonomie OImaging...
Data selection: target NAME Name of the astrophysical object effwave LENGTH Effective wavelength...
JMMC Logiciel OIFitsExplorer Introduction L` est un outil d`analyse et visualisation de fichiers OIFits. Ses fonctions de plots...
Actuellement dans OITools, le package fr.nom.tam est bas...
OImagin main wiki space Work in progress... Comments
Dev OImaging Sep Oct 2021 ... Q: questionA: Antoine L: LaurentG: Guillaume d...
Liste des bugs et feature requests pour OImaging Cette liste fait doublon avec les tickets track / issue github et ne servira que temporairement le temps de d...
Stage Martin Objectifs de Martin durant les semaines de vacances Journal Lundi 14/06 : Tentative de cr...
Please move to the main OiDb topic
$ Note: Cette page a recens...
This page gathers information and document content admin tasks. Introduction The portal provides a user interface with three level of content: public access...
Overview Theo ten Brummelaar is working on the definition of a file for publishing the observation logs from the CLIMB and CLASSIC instruments at CHARA. Data submission...
XavierHaubois 02 May 2014 Data model table for main datasets: M mandatory, O optional, D deduced from the oifits keywords or from the other metadata, N/A...
XavierHaubois 02 Jun 2014
XavierHaubois 02 Jun 2014 Table of L0 metadata (observation logs)to display. Example for the CHARA case: Those we get from the local observatories servers: field...
DMP OIDB A disposition, le Management Plan d`OiDb ...
Manuals OiDB User Manual ( This web page is edited on the wiki and is cloned onto the oidb portal through the Backoffice dashboard.) OiDB Admin Guide Data...
Cette page regroupe les diff...
This page is listing technical discussions and notes on the OiDB project. See the definition of the OiDB project in the document from the 2013 06 26 meeeting or in...
OiDB User Manual Revision : 0.7 Date : 16 October 2022 Authors : oidb Working Group Table of Contents 1. Introduction The Optical interferometry DataBase...
XavierHaubois 02 May 2014 Presentation of oidb: Oifits explorer Oifits validation: L2/L3 portal, submission, L0 VEGA. Remarks: cases where the 1 year...
Overview The user can upload individual OIFITS files and create a collection of their granules. It is possible to upload either calibrated data (L2) or calibrated...
Obsportal L0 OiDB coupling Since Obsportal is now online and makes a lot of obslogdata massage it now makes sense to load this source of information into OiDB Here...
Overview The PIONIER L2 data comes from OIFITS files provided by Jean Baptiste LeBouquin on a regular basis. They are stored on jmmc server behind a webserver for...
L`objectif de cette maquette est de rendre accessible et interrogeable les donnees presente actuellement sur l`espace Pour cela nous allons installer...
CR reunion Mercredi 1 decembre 14h 16h Presents: DM PB JMC SL LB GD GM DM: Intro/presentation contexte activite OV OCA Mention d`un CDD 2ans pour mise en ligne d`un...
2 Octobre 2020 Principales nouvelles fonctionnalit...
XavierHaubois 06 Dec 2018 Decembre 2018 : SPRINT OIDB Quickmeeting #1 05 Dec 2018 Pr...
XavierHaubois 05 Mai 2019 ` 05 Mai 2019 Pr...
XavierHaubois 27 Nov 2013 Objectifs de la r...
XavierHaubois 22 Jan 2014 Objectifs de la r...
XavierHaubois 22 Jan 2014 R...
XavierHaubois 20 Oct 2017 Date: 20 Oct 2017 Pr...
XavierHaubois 29 Jun 2013 Objectifs de la r...
Date: 27 juin 2017 Pr...
Date: 27 mai 2015 Mise ...
Minutes VO for Optical Interferometry du 31/05/2013 Pr...
Date: 24 mars 2015 Pr...
Date: 5 mars 2015 Pr...
This topic is a working area to start building of specifications of the OiDB portal in a dynamic way. Root elements comes from the user requirement document...
This page gathers main information about the current design of the OiDB and any hint that can help its future development. This content is not dedicated to final users...
This topic aims to describe the specification from a technical point of view. TODO: define the instrument mode (can we get same general concept across various instruments...
Overview VEGA has a consultation software and also exposes a web service to retrieve observation data. Data extraction The application has a special module to query...
Overview Some Astronomical Catalogues on VizieR contains OIFITS files. OiDB provides a way to semi automatically analyze and import the data from these catalogs....
Organisation du Groupe Technique Ce document est accessible en ligne ...
Priorities OiDB v2.0 P0 Fix some technical issues that prevent new collections to appear. Quick view plots of the uv coverage, phases and visibilities...
ROADMAP Until end of 2015: Support, bug fixing and improvement of OiDB 1.0 From early 2016, emphasis on the developments for OiDB 2.0: OiDB...
Compte rendu Review OImaging Beta testeur Miguel Montarg...
Cette page recense les grandes lignes des d...
Pages wiki des activit...
JMMC Logiciel SearchCal Introduction SearchCal est une application d...
Logiciel SearchCal Points ...
SearchCal Installation instructions Introduction This page gives instructions for installation of SearchCal software. Prerequisites What Version...
Revue du logiciel SearchCal 4.0 beta 3 Objet Cette page recense les commentaires/questions sur la version SearchCal 4.0 beta 3. Ils sont classes en fonction...
Liste des UCDs utilis...
Sprint Ecole VLTI R...
Bienvenue sur le topic d...
Ce topic recence les informations concernant l`outil de gestion de ticket du JMMC : Trac Description Nous utilisons un logiciel de gestion de ticket pour: le...
Tutoriel V.O. Strasbourg 2004 Vous trouverez un petit r...
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Cette page regroupe les informations relatives au d...
RESULTATS TESTES WISARDS SUR DONNEES PIONNIER (PAS ENCORE PUBLIEES) DATA: 2 nuits d`observations Pionier: OIFITS 1: Summary of data for current file : Total...
2 ways of calling WISARD in command line: using wisard ci Usage: wisard ci h v d f fov i init img h print this help. v...
Reunion mercredi 8 d...
Réunion Grp Image reconstruction du 27/02/2013, 10h Rédaction en cours ... Présents: MV, LM, AD, GD, AC, SL, GM
Reunion du 27 Juin 2011 Pr...
Welcome onto the home page of the YOCO distribution What is YOCO ? YOCO stands for YOrick COntributions. It is basically a yorick package which groups contributions...
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