Recent Changes in Jmmc/Software Web retrieved at 14:06 (GMT)

This page gathers information and document content admin tasks. Introduction The portal provides a user interface with three level of content: public access...
ExistDB is a web application framework on top of an XML native database. This framework is used by JMMC for small testbed, small service wrapper and main project brixk...
Cette page liste les minutes ...
Cette page recense les grandes lignes des d...
This page gathers main information about the current design of the OiDB and any hint that can help its future development. This content is not dedicated to final users...
Introduction JP Gros est en stage L3 Math Info pour 10 semaines dans l`...
Date: 27 mai 2015 Mise ...
Date: 27 mai 2015 Les d...
Date: 27 avril 2015 Les d...
Date: 24 mars 2015 Pr...
Date: 5 mars 2015 Pr...
XavierHaubois 02 May 2014 Data model table for main datasets: M mandatory, O optional, D deduced from the oifits keywords or from the other metadata, N/A...
Exist db is the No SQL that perfectly store and manipulate xml data in a efficient and powerfull way. We use this tool at JMMC to build some applications on top of...
Overview Some Astronomical Catalogues on VizieR contains OIFITS files. OiDB provides a way to semi automatically analyze and import the data from these catalogs....
Overview VEGA has a consultation software and also exposes a web service to retrieve observation data. Data extraction The application has a special module to query...
Overview The user can upload individual OIFITS files and create a collection of their granules. It is possible to upload either calibrated data (L2) or calibrated...
Overview Theo ten Brummelaar is working on the definition of a file for publishing the observation logs from the CLIMB and CLASSIC instruments at CHARA. Data submission...
This topic is a working area to start building of specifications of the OiDB portal in a dynamic way. Root elements comes from the user requirement document...
This topic aims to collect each changes commited in the beta version in provision of the future release. It mainly concerns the `core` of amdlib , i.e., the C code...
This page has been moved onto the github wiki of JMCS.
Here comes the release notes of amber data reduction software V3.0.8 (21 July 2014) VISAMP (amplitude of the differential visibility) is now correctly computed...
XavierHaubois 02 Jun 2014 Table of L0 metadata (observation logs)to display. Example for the CHARA case: Those we get from the local observatories servers: field...
XavierHaubois 02 Jun 2014
XavierHaubois 02 May 2014 Presentation of oidb: Oifits explorer Oifits validation: L2/L3 portal, submission, L0 VEGA. Remarks: cases where the 1 year...
Some notes on the JSDC V2 released to ESO on april 2014 V2014 04 23 Files and additional stuff: fits file with limited columns and associated records with...
Catalogue SearchCal pour le CDS Cette page sert de support au travail en cours concernant la g...
This topic aims to describe the specification from a technical point of view. TODO: define the instrument mode (can we get same general concept across various instruments...
Ce topic recence les informations concernant l`outil de gestion de ticket du JMMC : Trac Description Nous utilisons un logiciel de gestion de ticket pour: le...
XavierHaubois 22 Jan 2014 R...
Please move to the main OiDb topic
XavierHaubois 22 Jan 2014 Objectifs de la r...
Cette page regroupe les diff...
XavierHaubois 27 Nov 2013 Objectifs de la r...
XavierHaubois 29 Jun 2013 Objectifs de la r...

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